Take your designing to the next level while exploring things like offsetting, making and releasing compound paths, editing points and ...
Quiet Strong Book Tour Presentation of the Life Story of Master Chief Boatswain's Mate Sherman Byrd
tekst, tekst, tekst, tekst, tekst, tekst, tekst, tekst, tekst, tekst, tekst, tekst, tekst, tekst, tekst, tekst, tekst, tekst, tekst, tekst ...
In this fun workshop we'll be taking some old hardback books, painting them, adding a personalized sentiment to the ...
Ken Kinzie, VP of Grief Education and Support Services, Tidewell Hospice, Lisa Gates, President of Metamorphosis-3 and Alley Hathaway ...
This is an event that popups when clicked.
Assisted Reverse Side Situp. ... Bent Leg V-Up. ... Alternating Toe Reach. ... Leg Raise and Reach Clap. ... Lying Windshield Wipers. ... Russian Twist ...
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Tiradentes Day in Brazil is a national holiday is celebrated annually on April 21st. It commemorates the execution of Brazilian ...
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Second day of Carnival. The streets of Rio de Janeiro erupt with colour and noise as Carnival ushers in the ...
Good Friday occurs on the Friday before Easter. The day commemorates the Crucifixion of Jesus. Information provided by
On September 7th 1822, a declaration of independence from Portugal was made by Pedro di Alcntara, the son of the ...
The streets of Rio de Janeiro erupt with colour and noise as Carnival ushers in the Easter period. Ponto facultativo ...
Dedicated to the remembrance of the departed. All Souls' Day follows All Saints' Day. Information provided by
Brewery 33 brews their own craft beers and serves beers, wines, ciders and meads. Enjoy a pint or a glass ...