09 May 2020 - 17 May 2020
Iftar is the act of breaking fast during Ramadan, and this programme is a large-scale Iftar event held over two weekends in May. It brims with numerous activities tied to the holy month, so expect to encounter such sights as the preparation and distribution of Bubur Lambuk (a tasty rice porridge dish), Tadarus Al-Quran (Group Reading of the Al-Quran), Forum Perdana Hal Ehwal Islam (a forum on the matters of Islam), Sukalerawan Iftar (Iftar Volunteering) Tazkirah Ramadan (Lectures on Ramadan), Solat Berjemaah Terawih (Terawih Prayers), Kaunter Zakat (Collection of Islamic Taxes), Bicara Ramadan (Discussions on Ramadan), Persembahan Ramadan (Ramadan Performances), Pertandingan Nasyid (Islamic Song Competition), Marhaban (Religious Songs), Fotografi Iftar (Iftar Photography) and food trucks with a variety of food.
Putrajaya |
National Department for Culture and Arts Ministry of Tourism Arts, Culture Malaysia