Jul Thu 13
Naked Bike Ride
12:00 PM           

The World Naked Bike Ride has made it to Portland again! Click here to buy tickets and reserve your spot!

First, an important point of etiquette: Ride your bike to the starting location. Arriving by car with bikes stowed as cargo is a big faux pas. It violates the idea of oil-free sustainability that the ride is all about. If you live in the ‘burbs, consider riding MAX part of the way. (You’ll probably want to have clothes on when you board, so plan ahead.) Or park at an urban friend’s house and ride from there in a group.

You should bring a little food, a little non-alcoholic drink, and something to carry your clothes in. Alcohol is not allowed at or around the meetup spot! Riding drunk is never a good idea anyway, especially among thousands of other rowdy naked cyclists (some of whom probably aren’t used to riding in groups).

When you arrive at the starting point, it will be a scene of happy disarray. Scattered music, general friendliness. Most folks will be wearing clothes at first, until they get a handle on what the scene is like. You’ll gradually see more skin as people lose their shirts for body paint. We have some volunteer body painters confirmed, and you should definitely consider bringing your own acrylic paint (available at Michael’s and Fred Meyer) – it’s the best.